The Inner Voice of Who Knows What

the pilgrimage: Henri Nouwen and my own topsy-turvy little heart

Archive for the month “October, 2008”

things lately.

hello all. i miss you!

things are happening in my life…

the last few months have held:
new friends!
seven houses of wonderful residents!
mcc in winnipeg, manitoba!
intentional community in san francisco!
backpacking in the calfornia wilderness!
peace week!
mcc in ghana, west africa!
more downtown adventures!
sociology of gender!
mcc in akron, pennsylvania!

the next few months will hold:
old friends!
barack obama! (si se puede!)
mcc in chicago!
a semester off!
reforestation in india!
mcc in kansas!
mennonite disaster service!
and who knows what else!

this may be my job in january…

sound good?

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